Technology enhances Human Experience

2 min readJun 6, 2018

We need to live and work together. We experience pleasure when we meet, exchange, share, collaborate and play. Empathy, teamwork, respect, love, resilience and hope are so important that they cover our entire being. The social network in which we live — physical or digital — consolidates the affective universe of people and broadens our natural circle of knowledge. Every interaction we have makes us who we are. This is the world of Lillup is shaping.

With the development of the Internet and the increase in the amount of digital information available, why not design technology to give access to all of the knowledge in the world? This is how a computer system is designed to work by classifying datas in the same way a human being would — it can recognize contents, and classify them. At Lillup we are harnessing the unlimited power of technology combined with instant networking to create a new paradigm.

Technology will progressively allow us to free ourselves from routine tasks and let us grow into more creativity and innovation where collective problem solving will become vital to success. Lillup has the drive and technical savvy to enhance this evolution.

The 21st century workplace, with its growing complexity and gradual introduction of artificial intelligence and blockchain, requires that we focus our efforts on new problems. In times of evolution like the one we’re going through now, it’s clear that before we can change our behavior and beliefs, we must change how we learn. Knowledge gives us the ability to think broadly, to take quick effective action and to move forward with confidence.

Constant learning adds value to our projects, organizations and lives. The ultimate goal is to make knowledge more accessible, less complex and more relevant, by the design of a protocol that simplifies and improves our way of living.

Ludovic CHEVIRON President

